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Writer's pictureMarylen Ramos-Velasco

Eliminate Chronic Stress And Discover How To Skyrocket Your Productivity And Performance

What specific ways would your life be different when you are not stressed?

One of the first questions Faye asked in our Masterclass, probably something you can think about or ask yourself, too. Some of the responses would include: I will be more patient with my children, have more sleep, be motivated, would be happier, would have more clarity and more energy.

What are you currently doing to manage stress?

Some responses include watching movies, listening to music, breathing, massage, riding bicycles and more.

To what extent are your stress management techniques working?

It may be working for a while or temporarily for most.

In fact, there has been a stress pandemic even before COVID-19 and here are some statistics:

74 % of people have felt stressed, overwhelmed or unable to cope according to Mental Health Foundation in 2018

91% of Australian feel stressed about one or more important parts of their life according Global Organization for Stress

75 % of Americans reported that they experienced a physical or mental symptom of stress in the last month according to American Psychological Association

Half of all American's level of stress are getting worse instead of better according to American Institute of Stress

60-80% of all doctors' visit have a stress-related component, American Institute of Stress

What's causing you stress at the moment?

In some sessions she receives responses on work-related, too much work or to-do list. Some due to financial stress, people management and relationships.

Acute Stress vs Chronic Stress

Just because you are not aware that these things are triggering your out of control stress response, it does not mean it is not happening underneath the surface and not getting in the way with the sleep, patience, kindness and all the magic you want in your life.

3-Step Process To Get Rid of Chronic Stress

1. Start Eliminating the “big S” Stress or chronic stress

  • Gaining awareness to what chronic stress in your life is affecting you

  • 60-90% of physician visits in a landmark study in 1981 reflect emotional distress and somatization

2. Stop Managing Stress so you can understand the real problem

3. Start using the brake pedal to stop affecting others in your life

Join us in our Stress Response Regulatiom Process on 03 November for a 6-Week Programme to Govern Your Stress Response, ideal for busy professionals, just like you, who have a full and demanding life and who want to go beyond the “stress needs management” approach. That mindset is limiting, generic and ineffective. This practical training empowers you with the mindset that allows you to eliminate chronic stress, and not just manage or reduce it. The masterclass is informative, eye-opening and very experiential. You’ll walk away with ground-breaking knowledge and tools which you can apply in your life straight away in order to forever change your relationship with stress.​

We will also have a Mastermind (networking, reflection and sharing) on Stress Elimination this coming Friday, 24 September at 4PM for an hour. Join us and invite those whom you believe will benefit, here are some testimonials to our recent sessions.

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