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Too busy learning leadership on the job?

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You want to learn leadership but you are either overwhelmed and you don't have time...

How many times do we enroll in leadership training only to end up confused more than enlightened? I remember years back, when I was starting out as a leader and I couldn't get myself to learn, because I didn't have the time. I got overwhelmed with the information which is searchable in Google, so why bother?


Recently, I read the following statistics, surveys and studies:


  • Automation will displace some 85 million jobs by 2025 says World Economic Forum

  • A study by PwC shows 38% of CEOs believe a shortage of key skills is the top people-related threat to growth


  • 74% of managers says they don't have the influence or resources to make change for employees


  • Only 33% of leaders feel confident making business decisions


With above alarming data combined with VUCA, honing your leadership skill is non-negotiable.


How do you do this when your organization does not support and provide resources for you?


Even when your company provides leadership development. Taking ownership for your own learning and development is key to getting what you want. This compilation of resources is likely the most relevant and relatable. Not the best production, but these are real stories and practical conversations.


According to John F. Kennedy, "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."


Why This Online Resource?

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Practical Learning

Real-life examples, tools and proven techniques that you can apply right away in life & work

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Learn from Thought & Business Leaders Globally

Authentic conversations, different perspectives, real stories, relevant and relatable


Topics are Spot on

Helpful leadership skills to reflect and realize to increase productivity and profitability

Learn practical insights on leadership to transform and stay relevant

Learn from thought leaders how to lead during interesting times

Lead with accountability, adaptability and agility in the next normal for all industries