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Customized Training Solutions Pte Ltd. recognize the value and importance of training that meets each organization’s specific needs. An effective learning solutions may be modified in relation to the content, number of days, time, delivery methods and learning outcomes to ensure the transfer of knowledge or skills based on your workforce needs.


With the help of our expert partners, we will modify the design of the training using your proprietary information while respecting confidential nature of the content. To enhance the relevance of the course content and increase transfer of knowledge and application in the workplace our instructors/facilitators can tailor the course to include examples, exercises and scenarios relative to your organization.


What do we provide?


Effective Communication

Leadership & Management

Customer Service

Sales & Marketing


Banking & Finance

Oil & Gas





Basic Materials

Consumer Goods

Health Care


Training for business success
Training Solutions
Planning with more details
Our Process

7 Keys to Impactful Learning


1. Need Analysis

2. Research

3. Option Presentation/Matching

4. Develop Custom Content

5. Experiential & Practical Training

6. Evaluation (Post-Analysis)

7. Follow-up

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