Customized Trainings Solutions Pte. Ltd.
Asia's Most Trusted Training & Business Solutions Partner
Leading with Accountability, Adaptability and Agility in the Next Normal
Day 2: Heartset, Mindset and Wellbeing
February 23 | Tuesday
2:00 PM
Keynote Speaker 1:
Dare to lead from the heart- becoming a compassionate leader
87% of employees are unhappy at work feeling they are not respect as human beings. This is costing the economy up to 7 trillion $ in stress related disease. COVID has increased the stress and anxiety at the workplace.
Key is how do we bring back the spark and heart to work to drive not only happier employees but higher performing employees who lead with purpose, perseverance, people and positivity.
Dalia Feldheim 20Y corporate leader, TedX speaker and organisational psychologist will combinescience, story telling and tangible tools to help you become the compassionate leader you aspire to be.
Dalia Feldheim
Ex CMO- now Chief Magnificence Officer- TedX speaker, Adjunct professor
2:30 PM
2:40 PM
Panel 1:
The Journey Begins with the Right Heartset and MIndset
"Leadership is a journey" according to John Donahoe, currently PayPal Chairman. How do we balance our heartset and mindset for a smoother journey for us and our team/organization? People and organizations have realized that having a great leadership mindset, empathy and purpose can help them move forward in being able to have the grit and resilience to make every difficult conversation, decision and situation manageable.
Jojo Apolo
Billion Dollar Business Builder, NLP Master Trainer
Hetal Bhatt
Certified GENOS Emotional Intelligence Practitioner & Assessor
Jeremiah Teo
Charisma Coach, Storyteller and Transformational Speaker
Dana Bachar Grossman
Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker and International Trainer
3:55 PM
4:05 PM
Keynote Speaker 2:
The Antifragile Mindset" he will explain how it makes perfect sense to welcome stress into our life, and more importantly, the exact methods to turn stress and uncertainty into strength and growth.
Discover how to develop an antifragile mindset. Learn how to channel challenges into opportunities.
Eugene Seah
TEDx Speaker and NLP Coach, Mindset Speaker and Abundance Life Coach & Lean Leadership Coach
4:35 PM
4:45 PM
Panel 2:
How to Support Holistic Wellbeing in the Workforce
The biggest change in workplace now is that we can do our work simultaneously, together or in portions and be in different locations. In this panel discussion our speakers will share how and what holistic well being interventions they do in their organization, how can learning support mental health and wellbeing initiatives and suggested programs or activities that you can apply in your organization.
Faye Lawand
New Zealand's Trusted Internal Conflict
Resolution Expert
Aidee Rodzman Rosidi
Regional Learning Operations Manager
APAC at Technip Energies
6:00 PM
James Verzosa
Director of Human Resources at RHG Group
Ire Bellinger
Holistic health and mindset coach