Customized Trainings Solutions Pte. Ltd.
Asia's Most Trusted Training & Business Solutions Partner

Tired of not Understanding Untapped Value due to Wrong Management of Contracts?
Stressed due to Unmitigated crisis because of mistakes in Contract Management?
Unsure how procurement can innovate and embrace the Technological Advances to Keep Sustainability?
If you said YES to most if not all these questions and you are a
• Procurement Manager, Executive, Buyers
• Contract Managers, Contract Admins
• Project Managers
• Finance and admin staff
...and would like to take away invaluable experience with a broader view of delivering values and bottom-line improvement of business, this is for you!
02-03 May 2019 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
• Identify and understand your company Business Goals and Objectives
• Assess demand and supply of your business and the market in general
• Develop and select the most optimum contracting and procurement strategy
• To implement contract for success and deliver your company objectives
• Execute and manage contract post award.
• To use appropriate tools to maximize value for your contracts and to build contract management action plan.
• To foster relationship with key stakeholders and suppliers

Program Overview
The 2-days training program addresses the delivery of value to business and bottom-line improvement through Contract Management. The participants will be going through a step-by-step journey focused on key deliverables that align to Company business needs and plans. The interactive workshop style program is designed to bring participants to understand, involve, create, innovate and lead in identifying opportunities, build relationship, manage stakeholders, deliver value and continuous improvement in managing contracts and procurement activities.