Customized Trainings Solutions Pte. Ltd.
Asia's Most Trusted Training & Business Solutions Partner
Advanced Certificate in Bid and Tender Management
21-25 May 2018 | Singapore
Understand what bidding in tendering is all about
Ascertain real needs, document requirements and write specifications
Analyse the supply markets using a number of tools
Identify potential suppliers and potential customers
Understand how to tender and how to bid
Know what makes both a good ITT (Invitation to Tender) and a good bid
Know the rules, regulations and guidelines to follow in bidding and tendering
Publish tenders that can attract and appoint the best supplier
Distinguish their bids from the competition – for the right reasons
Win more contracts
Manage contracts for increased value
Reduce risks and foster innovation in the supply chain
Avoid corruption in all its forms
Improve their communication, stakeholder management and negotiation skills