Customized Trainings Solutions Pte. Ltd.
Asia's Most Trusted Training & Business Solutions Partner
Corrosion & Corrosion Control in Pipelines, Topside Facilities & Subsurface Equipment
16-20 April 2018 | Mumbai India
• Enable solid understanding of the corrosion process, forms of corrosion and failure mechanisms.
• Learn the six corrosion control methods.
• Ensure full understanding of the corrosion damage mechanism and mitigation measures through inspection, monitoring, prediction and testing protocols.
• Develop and improve the participant’s skills to develop their own corrosion control schemes and implementation plans.
• Introduce innovative control techniques with particular focus to problematic areas.
• Provide an insight to Downhole flow assurance problems and control techniques (Chemical, Mechanical, Process & Design).
• Discuss major operator’s advancement in corrosion management realities.
• Give an expert views to Non-metallic materials application in the Oil and Gas industries